BigCommerce Setup Guide
Obtaining the API keys from BigCommerce
Visit this page to acquire the credentials to set up your sales channel. Our page provides step-by-step guidance on obtaining these credentials, which are essential for the setup process.
Installing the BigCommerce Sales Channel
To add the BigCommerce sales channel to your Channels account, kindly adhere to the following steps:
- Access your account and go to the left side of the screen. Click the "Stores" button.
- If you already have a store, click "View Store" on the right side of the screen to access it.
- To edit an existing store, click the edit button on the right side. If you need to create a new store, click "+ ADD" above, name it, and use the edit button to make changes.
- Click "+ ADD" in the Channels section to begin the installation.
- A window will appear in the centre of the screen. Choose "BigCommerce" from the available channels list.
- Provide the required information:
- Channel Name: In the field provided, you can enter any name. However, it is recommended to choose a name that has meaning to you, such as "BigCommerce," as it will serve as an apparent reference for the source of the order in the future.
- Client ID & Secret, Store Hash, Access Token: Please enter the information obtained from the BigCommerce platform, as previously shown. Copy and paste these details into the appropriate fields on the Channels. Ensuring you correctly enter this information is essential, as errors may prevent you from accessing your BigCommerce account through Channels.
- Order Statuses: Specifying the orders you wish to integrate is essential. The selection process allows flexibility, as you can opt for multiple statuses. The various order statuses and their respective explanations are elucidated below:
Incomplete: Orders that lack essential information or have not been finalized.
Pending: Orders that are awaiting processing or confirmation.
Shipped: Orders that have been dispatched and are in transit to the customer.
Partially Shipped: Orders where only a portion of the items has been shipped.
Refunded: Orders for which a refund has been processed.
Cancelled: Orders that have been officially annulled.
Declined: Rejected orders, typically due to payment issues or other complications.
Awaiting Payment: Orders in which payment is yet to be completed.
Awaiting Pickup: Orders that are ready for pickup.
Completed: Orders that have been successfully processed and delivered.
Awaiting Fulfillment: Orders that are pending fulfilment indicate that they are in the queue to be processed.
Manual Verification Required: Orders that necessitate manual verification before further processing.
Partially Refunded: Orders where a partial refund has been issued for specific items.
- After filling out the fields, customize other options, then click "Save" in the bottom-right corner.
- You'll be back in the recently installed channel. Activate it at the top of the screen using the "Is Active" button.
Congratulations! You've successfully set up your BigCommerce sales channel on Channels. You can now sell products on BigCommerce and manage orders from your Channels dashboard.
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